Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 1&2
4:36 PM | Author: nadIRa
At last, dapat juga habiskan buku dr penulisnya Habiburahman El Shirazy, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih Epi 1&2.. dlm masa yg singkat ..Alhamdullillah . Buku ni pemberian my bestfriend Hawa, on my request for my bday present .. thank u Hawa, d sexy preggy mum ..
buku nih sgt best and sgt memberi pengajaran...insaf2 ....hmmm camner nk highlight ke'best'san nih ...ok i'll try..isk2 not in d mood laa nk menulis... tp klu dibiarkan lama2, takut mood bestnyer buku nih ilang lak..hehe...i'll try ok..
Moral of d story:
1- walaupon kita di beri ujian yg sgt berat, tp jika kita bersabar dan tetap tunduk pdNya, percayalah kebahagian pasti akan dtg juga... yg pasti perlu berusaha bersungguh dan peduli laaa org nk kate aper..slagi kita rase btoi maka teruskan...dlm buku nih, Azzam ni dia blaja kat mesir tp lps 9thn belajr tp xabis2 lg degree dia sbb asyik fail jer...kenape? sbb dia cbok jual tempe n bakso(waahhh saya nk try laa aper tuh bakso..kat mn nk mkn bakso yg sedap kt msia nih bakso...bakso..bakso ) kat sana utuk menyara adik2 dia kat tanahair sekolah.. ayh dia meninggal mase dia tgh belajar kt sn. so tanggungjwb smua tertumpu kat dia sbb dia sorg ank lelaki yg lain adik ppuan 3 org and mak dia. mmg terase penat jugka laa bc perit jerih dia cr dia sgt pemurah .. at last dia jd business man berjaya kat indonesia bila dia blk and adk2 dia smua berjaya...
2- cuba resapi kata2 ini " Tidak ada yg dapat mengusir syahwat atau kecintaan pada kesenangan duniawi selain rasa takut kpd Allah yg menggetarkan hati, atau rase rindu kpd Allah yg membuat hati merana..." Dlm buku ni, ada mengisahkan bertapa 2 hati saling mencintai tp masing2 mendiamkan diri. so akhirnya si ppuan tlh dikhitbah oleh org lain dan bermula laa kesedihan dia hati kedua2 belah pihak.... saat lamaran sudah diterima ngan hati terpaksa, timbul harapan utk bersama dgn org yg benar2 dicintai... sudah ada perancangan utk membatalkan pernikahan tersebut tp berblk laaa pd kata2 diatas.... jd laa seorg pahlawan yg bnr2 pahlawan....tidak ada pahlawan yg tidak berkorban apa2...mana mungkin mengambil pasangan yg telah dikhitbah kan oleh org lain.. jika ia benr terjadi, cuba kira berapa byk hati yg terluka (org yg dia etc)..apa bangganya kita mendapat cinta org yg kita damba namun kita kehilangan cinta Allah.. apa bangganya??? jika ternyata takdirnya kalian mmg akan bersatu dan bertemu, maka Allah laa yg mengatur segalanya..
3- jika ternyata takdirnya kalian mmg akan bersatu dan bertemu, maka Allah laa yg mengatur segalanya... soonn...
4- Kekakang ALLAH mahu menegur kita... soon..
Wonderful Terengganu
2:20 PM | Author: nadIRa
we hv bout 1300++ pics and videos... need time to pick the best pics to display here :D sooonnnn..

No words can describe ppl say, "Pictures speak louder than words". So enjoy the photos....more to come...
Pizza Hurt laa
3:06 PM | Author: nadIRa

celebrated Ali's belated Bufday...makan2 lg..huhu..Ali blanje...thank u Ali

0.4mm reduce to 0.1mm
3:05 PM | Author: nadIRa
Alhamdulillah im finish my first attempt doing the wedding card... i did from beginning..designing, buying, printing and cutting and delivering..huhu!!!

nway i had learn a writing this entry just to remind myself for future proj...

Things u hv to consider during making a card....

1- before designing, u hv to make sure what kind of printer u gonna used and the budget..its important to make sure the design still look adorable even with cheap printer...its a waste if when we design too advance but in d end the result not what we expect just bcoz of the printing quality....simple design and less color is suitable in this case.

2- im thinking to do something simple like english wedding card..just a piece of paper with simple design but yet its so formal n i choose 230g kindda of paper for this card...thick enuff for a bookmark-look-a-like card...

3- during printing..its a very important part..b4 printing, u hv to calibrate the printer with the paper bcoz i want to print front and back.... its the hardest part for first im using image viewr to print...even its ez but it gave me 0.4mm i hv to calibrate at pwrpoint..tradisional method..huhu...i luv the result...

4- after calibrate, u hv to make sure that u already clear the blurry edges.. or else, ur words will become blur and erode n its hard to read...then eliminate the horizontal line or white line that appear during printing...

5- spelling error checked...or else u hv to redo the waste!!!

6- patient and do it like ur baby....even u spending more than the real amount, but i guess the satisfaction is the priority.....

till the end...

note: this is for my future i will follow the steps..

thank u..enjoy reading
Happy Birthday to mE!!
2:56 PM | Author: nadIRa
my bday cake..i requested it for months and Kak Wan make it into reality ^_^ tq so much Kak Wan..luv u!!

Thanks kak Eton for the luvly card... serius terkejut dia siap ley bunyi2 ..huhu....

The nite b4 i was instincted to hv sumthin like aromatheraphy from Ali..and its happened..huhu! thank u so much Ali!! i really luv aromatheraphy..^_^ Small give with BIG HEART!

Seriously i hd NO IDEA they wanted to take me to Manhattan...and they planned it since last!!! i was so surprised and TERHARU...uhuk2!! Thank u Kak Wan siap tempah table lg.. thank u Maisura 'cari' sponsor thank u Sue took us there thank u Irfan tolong sponsor makan2 smua...really appreciate it bro! thank u Hafiz n Ya'akob for joining us! the rest, klu korang join skali makan2 would be really great!! byk food jgn risau..its FREE..coz irfan blanje huhu Kami mkn smp kenyang!!! hohoho..best2!!

Tiramisu Bday Cake frm Manhattan.....tqvm.....after all, i had a blast bday this yr Alhamdulillah

2:55 PM | Author: nadIRa
0.4cm... perbezaan hnya sedikit...BUT ia menghasilkan result yg BERBEZA!!!! im so stress with this 0.4cm.....isk2....i had learn so many thing this 2 days.... its NOT ez to be perfectionist!!! and yet to be the beginner for this kindda of thing, i have to learn a lot.. have to consider a lot... hv to think a lot... hv to b patient a lot....hv to sarcrifice a lot....and its so hard to b perfectionist at the beginning and with low technology that available and of course low cost as possible....
what im gonna do now??? let the 0.4cm be the pillar to destroy the design or do it again with different printer (lab's printer, im afraid to destroy the head bcoz im using 230gm ppr) ???? or simply send it for printing which are costly ....fiy i already finish 1 bundle paper bcoz of the spelling, to fix blurry edges and now latest prob is 0.4cm pillar ...arghh!!! i dun mind i hv to spend a lot of long im satisfied with my work....bcoz im doing it like my baby.....................................................................................
Clay vs Grass
2:54 PM | Author: nadIRa
Dulu i thought main tennis kat mn2 pon samer jer..but then i realize its NOT same laaa....pttlaa slalunye org yg terer main kat grass or hardcourt, xmenyerlah kat clay and vice versa.. tp RAFA dh makin terer main kat grass.. vamoss RAFA!! Kat clay, player ley slide sana sini so pergerakan dia akn laju tp kat grass xley nk slide sgt but permainan dia laju coz kadar ball bouncing lg tinggi banding clay.
Heres the diff between grass court and clay court.
1. Bounce. It has already been mentioned that the different surfaces change the way the ball bounces. When you play on clay, the ball buries itself in the clay every time that it hits the ground. In terms of pure physics, this causes the ball to lose momentum in the horizontal direction which leads to what tennis players refer to as the slowing effect of clay. On the other hand, when balls bounce on the grass they actually slide and this means that much less of the ball's momentum is lost in the horizontal direction than when it hits the ground on clay or even on hard courts.

2. Speed. On clay, the surface slows the ball down significantly each time that it hits the court. This means that if a player relies on his/her power to beat opponents, their shots that are usually more effective on other surfaces will be less effective on clay (this is why Pete Sampras could never win consistently on clay, and why Andy Roddick, the product of the power game, will never amount to anything on clay). On grass, the ball slides each time it bounces and, as was mentioned previously, it looses less momentum than it would on other surfaces. This makes grass an extremely fast surface and is why big servers and serve and volleyers do so well on grass.

3. Spin. The different surfaces also change the way tennis balls react with different spins. On clay, topspin really "grabs" and so that's why modern clay court specialists all use extreme grips to give the ball more spin. As a side note, topspin gives players more margin for error because it allows the player to hit the ball higher over the net (less chance to hit the ball into the net) but at the same time it causes the ball to fall quicker (more chance the ball will fall before the baseline). Furthermore, since the ball loses momentum when it bounces (see previous two points), the rallies on clay are much longer and that is why players want to maximize the amount of time that they can stay in a point before committing an error by adding topspin. On grass however, spin has less effect than on other surfaces (because it slides instead of having a pure bounce), and that is why clay court specialists have such a hard time winning on grass: their game is ill-suited for its speed.

4. Players. Finally, because the style of play changes so much between the surfaces, different players are able to succeed on different surfaces. On clay, the long points require players who are able to hit with consistency and last during the long and grueling matches. Whereas on grass, the points often last no longer than the serve or the return (although, that is changing as there are fewer and fewer serve and volleyers on the pro tour).

2:51 PM | Author: nadIRa

Amsterdam... fall in luv with this place since i watched korean movie DAISY. Its a really great movie and i play it over n over again. This tragic tale of love and guns set movie was filmed in the atmospheric city of Amsterdam. Its a nice place that where i want to live or hv a gud time with 'my other half'. I like the Amsterdam's Dam Square where we there r street painter and we can just simply walk in and ask them to draw pic of us.

i just figure out that Amsterdam is actually 4 meters below sea level. woo i cant image how a land is lower that sea level.. how cant the water not flood that place? No wonder i can see a lot of canal(boat) in the movie and ppl live in boathouse or known as Poezenboot. The name Amsterdam comes from the combination of the river Amstel and the Dam that was built on it in order to found the original village know today as Amsterdam.

One of my lecturer aka my naqibah said that in Amsterdam, the house is really unique. They r like an apartment yg terdiri drpd unit2 kecil rumah yg jika kita tgk dr depan hnya sebesar tingkap (maybe bigger) but ia memanjang ke dalam. Means ia sempit tp panjang (i guess its rite) and the stair only can fix one or two person in one time and do u think how they fix the house with all the furniture? hoho the answer is, they use sumthin like roller at their window and pull the furniture from ground to their window.. huhu interesting.. kirenye klu bli peti ais, depa akn tarik peti tuh dari bawah smp ke level umh depa melalu tingkap umh depa... dlm citer ayat2 cinta lak main tarik2 bakul..huhu

No wonderlaa kat Jakarta, bekas jajahan Belanda, pon ada satu kawasan yg dimn rumah2 dibina ala2 kat amsterdam tuh and ada terusan air sebagai pengangkutan utama depa....BUT satu masalah yg di hadapi di Jakarta is terusan tuh bukanlah air yg mengalir and sistem saliran ia xbtoi menyebabkan merebaknya penyakit denggi dan malaria...isk3! Kan Amsterdam di bwah paras air laut. So air sentiasa akan mengalir. And did u knw that Dutch people r the world experts on keeping back the water / sea from over running their country and turning it into another Atlantis.

But whats more interesting bout Amsterdam based on the Daisy film is the DAISY itself.... waahhhhhhh i can see alot of fresh and beutiful daisy there in Amsterdam( i hope this is the fact laa..xtaw laa kot2 citer ni hnya olahan shj) i really love daisy... white daisy is the best! Penah bace somewhere (dh xigt) yang daisy ni means HIDDEN LOVE.. haha ntah btoi ke idak... ppl alwiz say rose is their fav flower. not me... i like to b diff frm anyone else.. with that i'll be unique... Tringat time dok hostel dlu...time org prep or study, i will be on my bed, sleeping.. but when they r sleeping, i will b the one yg study..ahaha...pelik tul laa budak ni.